Rupert Murdoch Is A Cancer On America, And He's Killing Us
The Murdoch Empire Is A Force For Evil
Over the last 30-plus years nearly every negative idea that has come up in the sphere of public discussion within the United States, often leading to mass death and destruction, has either been directly created by or given massive amplification through Fox News and the rest of the right-wing media empire owned by Rupert Murdoch.
The most recent manifestation of this is the debunked, racist conspiracy theory the “great replacement,” which argues that white people are being “replaced” in America due to immigration by Latinos. The biggest proponents of this idea in America are the conservative movement, the Republican Party, and Fox News. Yes, the racist idea’s most visible spokesperson is Fox host Tucker Carlson, who has spent hundreds of hours furrowing his brow and telling his viewers that all their problems come from brown and black-skinned people. But this isn’t a recent development on Fox.
Back in 2006, Fox host John Gibson explicitly promoted the racist ideology, telling his audience that increased birth rates among Latinos was a crisis for white people.
“Do your duty. Make more babies,” Gibson said, noting research that showed nearly half of all children under the age of five were minorities.
As always with such awful and destructive ideas - which have been cited by multiple mass shooters at this point - Fox was early to the party.
While Murdoch’s network wasn’t pushing “replacement,” they have repeatedly attacked Blacks who protest police brutality, his network promotes misogyny against women, his outlets like the New York Post compare leading Black figures like President Barack Obama to monkeys, his outlet like the Wall Street Journal promotes false conservative economic theories, and all of his outlets go guns blazing after ideas like critical race theory and argue against inclusive educational curricula.
When Murdoch isn’t promoting bigotry and hate, he’s attacking the very concept of journalism and presenting factual information to the public. Fox was designed by it’s central architect, serial sexual predator Roger Ailes, as “GOP TV” and that has been what the network is all about since it launched in 1996 with Murdoch’s financial backing.
Unfortunately this has been defended by the mainstream media itself, who despite being attacked by Murdoch’s media on a regular basis, still foolishly rises to its defense.
Most of the point of Murdoch’s empire is profit and power, which he has in overflowing fashion. He is able to sculpt public opinion not only in the United States, but in the United Kingdom, Australia and other nations where he uses his outlets to whip up hate and attack science like climate change.
And when he isn’t doing that he rolls in the filthier regions of human interest media as well, spending hundreds of thousands to hack the phones of crime victims to provide “scoops” for his newspapers.
The faces at Fox News change. Today it’s Tucker Carlson spreading anti-Latino hate. Before that it was Fox constantly airing footage of migrants crossing the border, fueling Donald Trump’s racist fever dreams about a “wall.” Before that it was Glenn Beck arguing that Obamacare was reparations (the Buffalo shooter was concerned about reparations to Blacks). Before that it was Sean Hannity gleefully promoting WMD lies in Iraq. Before that it was Megyn Kelly saying Black children deserve to be manhandled by police.
The constant in this is Murdoch, who along with his sons, continue to keep his outlets stoking the fires of hate and lies without a single care in their ivory tower as to what it does to the world below them.
Murdoch feeds off the hate of the world and spews more bile into the planet than few other figures in recorded history.
RELATED: How To Beat Fox News
— Oliver
Follow me, Oliver Willis, on Twitter @owillis
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It's true. Never go into business with Australians. They're born corrupt, they don't understand 'truth' and the only thing they care about is fame and fortune. Point in case -the Maggots of Murdoch Family.
You forgot to mention that Murdoch and his family are foreigners.