Anheuser-Busch has sold beer to and sponsored Pride events for at least thirty years. Coors too. That these right wingers are just getting wise to it is all about their need to inflame that base.

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The bottom line is the bottom line (and Kal-El has the cutest little head 🐶)

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Pushes the discussion in the right direction.

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As always, it’s about the money. Always.

PS Yes, I just love Kal’s little head 😆

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Too much drinking going on.

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You seriously think white men are the only homophobic men in America? It’s painfully obvious that this bubble-living author doesn’t know any working class Latino or black men, but even if he was exposed to their decidedly non-white homophobia, he would still just blame it on white supremacy.

And of COURSE you don’t like the taste of beer, little guy.

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