I was torn about the Bragg prosecution but oh man. There were like 20 freaks at the vaunted rallies for Trump on the day of the arraignment. Literally everyone was a journalist or random gawker. No way Trump has any chance in 2024. More importantly, the prosecution will suck all the life out of DeSantis candidacy. The GOP is about as fucked as Democrats when W found the picture of John Kerry on the yacht

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Kal is alway cute!!!

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Agreed! Four years later, Kal is still cute-ing. :)

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In the photo, Trump looks disconsolate and small.

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Wait til MORE INDICTMENTS drop. He's close to burried

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Please come join us on @spoutible to share your very astute analysis.

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Yea -sanity in the WH

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I never subscribed to PR from 'ole shifty eyes welcoming the new war. So, my sad brother: Tell the "Berners" who sold you my information to take my info with my not fake disabled female e-touchous off their "sell" list. I was classically "Berned" by them broheems. And if you want any person with two functioning brain cells to think isolating millions of people is "good," you need to take a different pill. Why is Team Red banging on about neolibs? huh. I wonder. #doofusisnotaracistwordlol

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