Is it even accurate to call them conservatives? Apart from their own power and privilege, what do they want to conserve? The constitution? They clearly think the constitution means whatever they want it to to accomplish whatever goal they are working on at a given moment. When they want it to mean something else in a different case, then that's what it means for that one. When they quoted a 17th century witch finder to overturn Roe they lost the right to even pretend to care about the constitution, or reason, for that matter.
Why do DEMs allow them to cherry-pick? Pretty sure abortion was legal in the Colonies - and Thomas would only be 3/5 of a SCOTUS vote then? Why do they allow them to use a tortured rationale w/virtually no pushback 🤔
Why do you say that there has been no pushback? Democrats ran hard on the Supreme Court in every election from 2016. Democratic resistance to SCOTUS Federalist society nominees has been unified going back to Clarence Thomas.
They’ve be able to twist the 2A beyond recognition for years. HRC mentioned the Court continuously, but the media is the one that really makes it a front and center issue. And the Rs have built a media machine For The Ages - relentless pounding ‘but her emails but her emails’ ‘Benghazi Benghazi’ ‘laptop laptop laptop’ - even when they have nothing. Just look how Joe’s Sad Debate drowned out the Epstein Scandal! That’s commitment to messaging.
It isn't Dems allowing's the billionaires in the GOP that own media (Murdoch Fox) & spend tons of money to push their agenda & smear Dems.
Right on. The "right" has been working a multi-generational war plan, while the center/left renews the battle every four years. That's why they have these traitorous wretches on SCOTUS, and why they have a nationwide media/propaganda network that keeps millions duped and enraged. We need long-term strategic action to counter those things in particular, and reactionary-rightism generally. Grass-roots funded think tanks? Wish I had an answer.
I like this analogy a lot. I've been calling it a "school shooter election" but this does a better job of assessing what we need to do to address the wider systemic issues that keep causing these assholes to try and shoot up the school. Ultimately, whether you're part of the teacher's union or the PTA, we need to organize to change things for the better.
Love the Superman references! I was a kid in the 1950s, and absolutely worshipped George Reeves as Superman on TV. I was heartbroken when I learned he had died. We liberals/progressives must assume our rightful places as superheroes to combat the Dark Side of human nature, namely, greed and selfishness.
"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."—John Kenneth Galbraith
Is it even accurate to call them conservatives? Apart from their own power and privilege, what do they want to conserve? The constitution? They clearly think the constitution means whatever they want it to to accomplish whatever goal they are working on at a given moment. When they want it to mean something else in a different case, then that's what it means for that one. When they quoted a 17th century witch finder to overturn Roe they lost the right to even pretend to care about the constitution, or reason, for that matter.
Why do DEMs allow them to cherry-pick? Pretty sure abortion was legal in the Colonies - and Thomas would only be 3/5 of a SCOTUS vote then? Why do they allow them to use a tortured rationale w/virtually no pushback 🤔
Why do you say that there has been no pushback? Democrats ran hard on the Supreme Court in every election from 2016. Democratic resistance to SCOTUS Federalist society nominees has been unified going back to Clarence Thomas.
They’ve be able to twist the 2A beyond recognition for years. HRC mentioned the Court continuously, but the media is the one that really makes it a front and center issue. And the Rs have built a media machine For The Ages - relentless pounding ‘but her emails but her emails’ ‘Benghazi Benghazi’ ‘laptop laptop laptop’ - even when they have nothing. Just look how Joe’s Sad Debate drowned out the Epstein Scandal! That’s commitment to messaging.
Example: Instead of scampering around questioning their INCUMBENT candidate🙄 - you could either
1. Say nothing
2. Laugh and say ‘yeah ‘but her emails’ & Hilary was at deaths door, right?’ - NOT GONNA WORK THIS TIME
It isn't Dems allowing's the billionaires in the GOP that own media (Murdoch Fox) & spend tons of money to push their agenda & smear Dems.
Terrific post! The video-game and Big Boss analogies are spot-on. Thank you!
Right on. The "right" has been working a multi-generational war plan, while the center/left renews the battle every four years. That's why they have these traitorous wretches on SCOTUS, and why they have a nationwide media/propaganda network that keeps millions duped and enraged. We need long-term strategic action to counter those things in particular, and reactionary-rightism generally. Grass-roots funded think tanks? Wish I had an answer.
Hard to ignore a forty year campaign by your opposition, but they did it… geezus
Spot on! I’m so tired of hearing that the 2028 election will be better. The Project 2025 manifesto isn’t going away.
And the NYT thinks it’s “partisan” to defend democracy. The lines are drawn and choosing your side is your legacy.
*Kal wore it best 🍩
I LOVE this. TY 👊💥
Very wise minded commentary 🙏
I would add that conservative economics have failed many times since 1929. Never let them forget about that.
I like this analogy a lot. I've been calling it a "school shooter election" but this does a better job of assessing what we need to do to address the wider systemic issues that keep causing these assholes to try and shoot up the school. Ultimately, whether you're part of the teacher's union or the PTA, we need to organize to change things for the better.
Doughnut boy’s zipper needs attention
Love the Superman references! I was a kid in the 1950s, and absolutely worshipped George Reeves as Superman on TV. I was heartbroken when I learned he had died. We liberals/progressives must assume our rightful places as superheroes to combat the Dark Side of human nature, namely, greed and selfishness.
"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."—John Kenneth Galbraith
I agree. I always feel like we’re playing whack-a-mole. 😰
OK - keep it simple then: WHY ARE DEMS GIVING 🍊 A PASS ON HIS HEALTHCARE PLAN that was supposed to be ready ‘in 2 weeks’ - 7 years ago?
WHY??? Enough of this BS - no wonder ppl think they must be frick’n complicit
The Wider Issues:
- Why DO magas feel ‘left behind’
- Why is gerrymandering accepted
- Term limits might be healthy(?)
and on and on…