The media refuses to recognize / accept that the United States is a center-left country with a center-right system that reactionary plutocrats and cultural bigots are attempting to transform into an oppressive right-wing apparatus. Perhaps the MSM thinks it’s in their interests to turn a blind eye--Chris Licht certainly acted that way. Encouragingly, we saw what happened to him.

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Somehow, the Congressperson known as Lauren Bobert seemed to be dropped like a rock from your commentary, once you waved her name and photo to get our attention. For several paragraphs, I wasn't sure which side you were supporting. Maybe I needed to wake up more before reading, but this is not the first time I've felt confused. This time it seems the political world in your view is comprised of the mainstream press and two major political parties. Yet, the enormous amount of money evident behind evangelical churches, extremely conservative/Christian "universities," huge corporate entities organizing political 'training' in resistance to voting, racism, misogyny, gun control, abortion rights, and LGBTQI rights, book banning and curriculum hijacking in public schools, not to mention Supreme Court "decisions," is not even mentioned. What explains all that white-male-wealthy-Christian-1950s-Wannabe-ism? It ain't "the press." I detect the foul whiff of Fear of Losing Control. And it is everywhere, even in prim, well-meaning, small-town patriots' hearts. Your average despot is pursuing that prize, sharpening his (or her) Most Vicious Person Award.

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You also have to look at the $$$ that is invested in right wing news media and possibly starting to influence

MSM. Definitely at work in

Social media. Why don't the

AP, Reuters, NYT,WP investigate the Heritage Foundation, Leonard Leo,

Thiel and others on where

their money influences the


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Been talking about this forever. If politics was a 1-20 scale, where 1 and 20 are far left and far right, 10 or 11 was the middle. But the right has moved to 200. The middle shouldn’t move with it. The media blur the lines. Some of it to try to be fair; others because blurring the line suits them, their audience and the politicians served. And while I used to believe the American people understood it was politics and that party differences were a different way of improving America, I no longer think that. Not when 2/3 believe in a stolen election and more than 80 percent believe that Trump’s indictment was politically driven, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. The RW no longer believe facts in evidence. They believe in faith; not only godly faith, but faith in what politicians and media tell them, regardless of whether what they are told is a bald-faced lie.

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Ali Swenson AP on “ Moms for Liberty”

Just read it in the Boston Globe.



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Every time I read about disappointment with "the mainstream press" it seems to be expressed as criticism that "the mainstream press" is not fighting back or using sharp enough weapons. But your criticism is really surprising. Surely you are aware that good reporting of news events is considered to include care to avoid editorial judgment, or buzz-words, or seeming to ally with the subjects of the reporting. "Right-wing" press is pointedly, gaudily, draped in exactly those editorial judgments, flashing buzz-words, and handing a big gulp to the reader while draping a conspiratorial arm about the mark. I'm sorry, but you just cannot get away with blaming "the media" for not doing what we Americans are supposed to do with our rights and citizenship: pay attention to what politicians say and do, educate ourselves about the issues at hand, and VOTE for our choices for public office. We err blaming (insert preferred scapegoat here) for our knee-jerk, ignorant and irresponsible choices. We have mass communication, instantaneous news, world-wide coverage on film and in print. Almost everyone is literate, and if not possessing a chicken in every pot, then a Big Gulp and Fries surely do a bang-up business. No. As Pogo said, "We have met the enemy, and he is us."

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Saw this the other day.

Could not resist posting it here.

“Haberman — who is considered an expert on Trump with deep experience reporting on the subject and a network of Trumpworld sources that give her up-to-the-minute insights — called in to CNN’s Kaitlan Collins Tuesday night and described the scene live at Trump’s Bedminster resort.”

Maybe she will visit him in the can.


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Love you dog 👍

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Yikes! You are ON POINT and I LOVE your Superman Watch!

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