Bring back the Fairness in Broadcasting doctrine that Reagan did away with.

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Fairness Doctrine is never coming back and it wouldnt apply to Fox anyway, since Fox is on satellite/cable.

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Is there some reason it can't come back? There needs to be some controls on people broadcasting provable lies as news and truth.

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Kal-El is my spirit animal 🐶🐾

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He does have a calming effect!

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I agree we have to consider the other side of the coin. However, that shouldn't stop anyone from suing the likes of Tucker Carlson into the ground for the nonsense he spews. There's gotta be a hell of a lot of libel buried in there.

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Seriously. I can't understand why he and Fox aren't already the subject of hundreds of wrongful death suits for their misinformation on COVID. People died listening to them.

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Could one say that Kal is a “sleep expert”? I would like to make a small contribution to your site but I can’t do $55. Is there a way to do a bit less? Your best fan in AZ!

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