"The Democrats would be far better off to throw out their rhetorical playbook and level with the public that Republicans are the problem."

Someone beat you to it, over a decade ago-

'Let's just say it: the Republicans are the problem.'

Thomas Mann and Norman Ornstein (April 27, 2012)


"Today, however, we have no choice but to acknowledge that the core of the problem lies with the Republican Party.

The GOP has become an insurgent outlier in American politics. It is ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition.

When one party moves this far from the mainstream, it makes it nearly impossible for the political system to deal constructively with the countryโ€™s challenges."

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MAGA = Tea Party = Gingrichism = Reaganism = Nixon

Just another name for a party built on racism, hate, anti-semitism, tax cuts for the rich, deregulation, corporate power and the subjugation of women.

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I agree, insofar as maybe not all Republicans are explicitly MAGA but also all of them in the House voted for a hard right Republican speaker. There are no moderate Republicans anymore. Many voted to reject 2020 presidential election results, if not themselves were embroiled in the subversion of democracy itself. Whereโ€™s the moderation in that either?

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I think you missed the point.

"Moderate Republicans" are to blame for everything the Republican party did over the last decades. They suck too

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MAGAโ€™s are the biggest voting block for Repubs. Repubs have been using them to get elected FOREVER (under different names)

Repubs used to promise these groups things like โ€œremoving Roe v Wadeโ€, but then not actually doing anything about abortion just to be able to pass their business policies.

In Dem strongholds, Dems promise โ€œpeople centricโ€ policies so โ€œcorporate Demsโ€ pretend to be pro-humanitarians but vote along with business Repubs on policy & SCOTUS picks.

This is one reason No Labels ie Joe Manchin thinks he can win. He believes he can peel off the business/monied groups from both parties.

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I couldnโ€™t agree more. Republicans and the RNC are the problem. They want to double down on abortion bans, they have 0 decorum, they are obstructionists without their own plans, and every single Republican president has increased deficit spending to new heights. Also, almost all Republican run states perform poorly when compared to Democrat run states - and they mostly take more from the Federal budget than they contribute.

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There's another reason for not using "MAGA" as an epithet: it's an acronym for "Make America Great Again", and what patriotic American could be opposed to that? It's almost as stupid as the Russian opponents of Lenin calling themselves "mensheviks", which translates as "minority", to contrast themselves from his "bolsheviks", which means "majority".

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Youโ€™re nitpicking. What difference does the brush make as long as it tars Republicans? The MAGAs arenโ€™t going away any time soon.

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Seems like the difference was explained pretty clearly.

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I get the difference. When it comes to branding Republicans, I donโ€™t think itโ€™s important. Oliver himself recognizes the possibility (โ€œnitpickโ€ was his word, not ).

Thereโ€™s a time for nuance, and this isnโ€™t it. These guys jumped into this tar pit with eyes wide open. Theyโ€™re stuck with a label of their own making that is toxic to most voters. Beat them over the head with it.

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I think โ€œthe problem is all Republicansโ€ is the opposite of nuance, but ok.

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I think MAGA is much more effective, than โ€œall the Republicans โ€œ. Seems that has been tried and failed repeatedly.

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Nazi also is interchangeable with MAGA.

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Agreed, to a point. The GOP has been incredibly successful pounding the liberal drum for decades.

But with a party who's messaging still trips up on landmines of nuance and often playing it safe, let alone not being aggressive enough, what replaces "MAGA?" For years after Trump finally goes away, literally and figuratively, the GOP will still be all about MAGA for years, certainly still promoting the fascist ideas and policies of the "movement" and play the nostalgia game (that its all b.s., hasn't mattered, nor will it).

While I've been thinking for years that "extremist" and or "corrupt" should forever be uttered ahead of "Republicans" in every speech and any and all communication from every Dem from the DNC to every elected Dem, that kind of aggressive messaging and "on the same page" discipline is still a dream. Likewise now is and has been the time to label the fascist GOP as such, everywhere, non-stop. Good lord, if not now, when.

All that said, I'd be happier if Biden would stop talking about the now-imaginary nuance between MAGA and "common-sense Republicans." I guess consider it a victory that Biden, Hakeem and the Dems are constantly talking-MAGA and having some message discipline.

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Short sighted

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All of the non-progressive things that they want to stop or rollback do not make sense for the greater good of America and the world. America has always been progressive, I can't imagine an America that isn't.

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