The sad thing about tokens is that they don't seem to know that they are tokens. Like Clarence Thomas, they are convinced that they achieved the positions they hold because of their natural brilliance and talent, not because the establishment of an overtly racist political machine that understands how much cover a token or two provide.

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“Democrats are the real racists, and if Black people weren’t so stupid and lazy they’d realize that” has been Republican doctrine since the 80s at least.

And yes, it all comes down to telling Fox News shut-ins that it’s OK that they haven’t learned anything since they were 14 in 1977.

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It is so much a party problem but an individual one as well. These individuals seek to gain power - their motivation. To gain control, they must embrace the basket of deplorables. Reagan weaved the basket himself and started the first collection of deplorables. Any casual observer of the party can trace the extremism.

The only way is a very public ”Fuck off” to Proud Boys and the Gang. But a quick review of polling shows the base is now the majority of the party. I am not sure there is a solution outside the party itself.

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