My recollection of the Clinton impeachment is that it went badly for Republicans. Impeachment was never popular and Judiciary Committee Republicans--with a few exceptions--performed poorly. (Melvin Watt often left Henry Hyde sputtering with frustration). Moreover, a number of Republicans had their own extramarital peccadillos exposed. In the 1998 off-year elections, Republicans lost five House seats and failed to gain any Senate seats or governor’s mansions. Clinton left office with a 65% approval rating.

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Totally agree with the crazy, but don’t think we can count on it turning off enough people to help. The Right has captured so many state leg’s, and used them to restrict voting, that their minoritarian efforts have a good chance of succeeding.

If the Dems cheat (obviously the only way they can win) then ANYthing the GOP does in response is justified.

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I think it's a little different than what you've diagnosed; in the case of Clinton's impeachment there was a straightforward story about fairly clean-cut wrongdoing that the GOP could latch on to and hammer until it stuck. In the case of the Hunter Biden Laptop, there doesn't seem to be a straightforward story to tell, so instead they're trying to turn it into a miasma that can float around until they find something that sticks.

Remember that the Hillary Clinton Email Server bs- the thing that, with Comey's help, ultimately torpedoed her campaign and ended her presidential ambitions- started out as an investigation into a riot at an embassy.

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I think the bottom line is that part of the GOP strategy when there *isn't* a case of straightforward wrongdoing is to try and create a freefloating miasma of scandal. It's not as effective but unfortunately it worked well enough in 2016. :|

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And then there's the supreme court

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Now there's cocaine in the White House! And flubber lips

in Florida fingering Hunter, Joe and of all people Jack Smith, who will hopefully send him away after not 1, but 2 indictments, for a whole

long time. Too bad JS can't

wrap DeSantis up in the net

and haul him away too.

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I'm sharing your article on Spoutible. Oliver, are you on Spoutible? Sleeping Kal is the cutest 😍

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