The GOP version of death panels is very real and is willing to let a pregnant woman risk death rather than end a dangerous, even unviable pregnancy. Even tracking their movements and offering bounties to anyone willing to report them.

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I won’t talk to anyone that supports Republicans rubbish. I’ve cut them all out of my life.

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I was threatened with Taco trucks on every corner in 2016. WHAR TACO TRUCKS!??

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The GOP are the death panel. They are the Party of Guns and Death. They are the Forced Birthers who don’t give a dang if women lose their lives from bad pregnancies

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Meanwhile Trump‘s Covid policies or severe lack thereof, lead to 1 million deaths in the US, many of which would’ve been prevent if he had stepped out of the way and let the professionals handle the process.

That’s a death panel!

The closure of so many drug addictions centers, particularly in rural areas, like much of Montana, has increased overdose deaths from fentanyl and other opioids. That’s a death panel.

For those who say “well, the border is wide open” uhm no, it’s not AND the majority of illicit drugs come through legal ports, by legal Americans.

Death panel is wanting to cut Medicaid, SSI. Death panel is wanting to make people work until they fall dead on the assembly line.

Death panel is making women carry life-threatening unviable fetuses.

Death panel is wanting to deregulate everything designed to keep citizens safe from greed driven corporate contaminants & lax industrial safety.

The right knows so much about death panels because they are very much in favor of them!

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That’s kick ass Oliver.

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That Dachshund looks radar- and smart bomb- equipped. You shouldn’t point him at the camera.

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Hear hear!

It should be axiomatic that conservatives are always wrong and liberals are always right.

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Wow, talk about synchronicity. I was just today reminding someone of the Lieutenant Governor of Texas encouraging the olds to catch covid so the economy will improve for their grandchildren. If that's not a death panel, I don't know what is.

Everything is a Republican projection.

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Great read! Dead on correct!

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