You are absolutely correct! The MAGA GOP know exactly which nerve ends to pluck with their base - it is the exact nerve ends that they had plucked when they were being shoved into the lockers...

PS: Kal is a smart dog. He lasted longer than I would have watching the debase.

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Aug 28, 2023·edited Aug 28, 2023

Referring to them as GOP in any way is a misnomer... They have nothing in common with the GOP of a decade or so ago... That GOP knew that in order to advance the overall good of the Nation compromise was necessary... Newt Gingrich dispelled many of that and told them that hard line stubbornness was the only way to get their way, and to hell with what anyone else wanted...

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The reactionary right has been honing their message since the heydays of Joe McCarthy and the Dixiecrats. Along the way, the John Birch Society’s penchant for conspiracy theories took hold. The consolidation of the two has given us what we have today: A mad cult that projects a reflection of its resentment and ignorance on everything that is Not Them.

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Kal-El made the only reasonable choice.

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This is why I think the image of "Dark Brandon" is so important. In a way, it is a caricature built to fight another caricature, the one the author describes here. Because so many mopes like Shapiro are making bank off this stuff, they are going to push that caricature to the limit. Now, the problem is deconstructing the conservative creation for any undecided voters, rather than pointing out the (what should be obvious) dangers of Trump. I know there are like 23 undecided people in the country, but 23 votes is 23 votes.

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It's too late for the right to run against the real Biden - that would mean they would actually have to put forth actual legislation and policies. It's impossible for them - remember when they were going to put out a replacement for the ACA*?

Instead any legislation is chock full o' nonsense, created in some Earth2 echo chamber, to feed and fool that same echo chamber

*Some journalist somewhere should have asked McCarthy in 2022, and should ask the POTUS candidates, "will you repeal and replace Obamacare?"

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( that’s one daaang happy dog...)

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We will never reach his Core Base until they decide that it is time to move on from him...

For some that will be never...

We need only reach the Undecided middle of the road types who still might take reality seriously enough to contemplate what and who they are voting for...

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