If I may: feminists were never complacent about abortion rights. We sounded the alarm about the right’s intent to gut them for YEARS and were dismissed as alarmist and hysterical.

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Neither were liberal Democrats in general. So-called progressives of the Nader were the ones who downplayed the importance of the judiciary

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👏It is a perfect example of what happens when conservatism is put in power. The ideology has failed over and over again, on fiscal policy, international policy, and social policy. It doesn’t work because it is divorced from reality and exists to control people, oppress certain classes of people, and empower those who already wield much of the power in our society.

Don’t ever forget what it has done to us and never stop reminding each other that we can never let them hold power if we want to be free.

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Another effect of D complacency was allowing Rs to take over state governments and legislatures and super-gerrymander, so they could pass terrible anti-abortion, anti-education, and anti-LGBTQ laws, and pass vote-suppression laws to perpetuate their hold on power.

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The billionaires capture of so many states in 2010 and the extreme redistricting is having a terrible effect ... and will continue to harm the country for years if not decades to come.

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Great post Oliver! Never forget! VOTE!

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Great piece, but I think you meant millstone, not mill.

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Genuine—if that’s the word—anti-abortioners made the decision to get in bed with fanatics and misogynists and went full-speed ahead without bothering to convince (or even trying very hard to convince) voters that abortion is morally wrong. Now they are stuck making insipid arguments about changing tactics to favor policies that support new mothers. The problem for them is that they have no credibility, and why should they? They have no stomach for taking on the monster they helped create.

This deformed albatross is going to hang from Republican necks for a long time. Eventually, after much individual pain and suffering, a national law that goes well beyond Roe v. Wade will be codified.

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Well said!!!

Republicans are a disaster for the country -- working to destroy everything tat as made the U.S. the beacon of hope for the entire world.

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That dog is (unsuccessfully) trying o cheer you up.0

Cheer up, Oliver: we have the Republicans on the run and (for once!) our party's leadership seems to be behaving accordingly. 2024 could make 2022 look like a rout.

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“Historically I think too many Democrats were complacent about abortion rights and at the same time the overall liberal movement didn’t rightly prioritize the power of the federal judiciary as an election motivator.”

Election in and election out, liberals were emphatic on this point. Election in and election, progressives minimized it.

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