To be truly disgusted and enraged, listen to what the white cracker who sponsored the resolution to expel these individuals from the legislature. He was a half a step away from calling one of the "boy" and referring to him as an "uppity...". From where I sit, the Republicans sowed the seeds of their own defeat yesterday with this action. They have energized and enraged young people, african americans, moribund Democrats and a sizeable portion of the country. Or as Adm. Yamamoto said after the Pearl Harbor attack, "They have awakened a sleeping giant and filled it with a terrible rage".

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I don't think it was a coincidence that I had just read an article about Hillsdale College in the New Yorker with this passage close to the front: "The faculty includes Michael Anton, the former Trump Administration official known for his essay “The Flight 93 Election,” in which he wrote that voting for Donald Trump was the only way to save America from doom, and David Azerrad, a former Heritage Foundation director who has described America as being run on a system of “Black privilege.”

In the '90s, the resentment against Bill Clinton in part stemmed from a wounded egotism that this slick hick from the sticks was president and they weren't. As you know, the hatred of Obama was different. Race and class came into play. We have to keep calling this out and I thank you for doing so

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I would add that every White, Asian, Indian, and Hispanic person in America who is infuriated and disgusted by the ignorant performative bigotry on display in TN (and there are tens of millions like me) must join the fight and continue this fight until (to paraphrase the GOP) the last vestiges of White supremacy have been drowned in the bathtub.

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Wonderfully written. Exposes what is going on in a way that is immediate and demands action. Well done.

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One of my favorite movie scenes was when Officer Tibbs slapped the plantation owner in In the Heat of the Night…that needs to happen more often to trumpers…people like them love the decorum of racism and should not be given any respect.

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Powerful column, Oliver. The descendants of slavers are still trying to whip Kunta Kinte into calling himself “Tobey.”

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these reps stood with battery powered bullhorns and disrupted a formal session of a state legislature, in the middle of and in support of a RIOT.

totally justified.

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They are fighting for the right of children to go to school and not be turned into a pile of blood and sinew on the floor of the kindergarten classrooms.

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I'm an old white guy. Love your post.

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And to think that I once believed in the idea of a New South. The optimism of youth once again dashed on the rocks of human reality...

Meanwhile, Clarence Thomas is making Herschel Walker look like Stokely Carmichael (as was).

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I tried to reciprocate by sending my posts free to you but encountered this: "No valid emails found. This could be because an email previously unsubscribed." If this is accurate it demonstrates one way thinking, not a mark of progress.

The comparison to what Tennessee legislaor has done to two people demonstrating inside the chamber is nothing compared to the corruption of Democrats over the last six years abusing their powers like dictatorships to wreck the economy for political power is ludicrous. The unending examples of abuse of power and corruption of elected and appointed Democrats and surrogates requires a book. Ok, talk turkey about the criminal case involving Obama's campaign which received illegally $30 million dollars from a foreign source in Asia. Why isn't Obama under investigation? Why did Obama get an exemption for a sea wall in Hawaii when it was stated in the news in Hawaii that no one ever gets an exemption for harmful sea walls. Democrats and hypocrisy and double standards are twins. And Joe Biden needs to be criminally investigated now for taking millions of dollars from Chinese Communist companies using his son as a front man. DOJ and FBI are politicized and corrupt and their entire management needs to be fired. The examples are endless. Hillary Clinton's campaign paid for fabricating a dossier that a corrupt FBI utilized to procure equally fraudulent warrants to spy on candidate Trump and President Trump. What happened to Hillary Clinton in this matter? Only a fine. She should have been criminally prosecuted for falsifying financial records and obvious criminal election interference using Russian disinformation. These are facts. Prosecutor Bragg in NY has fabricated an indictment according to many legal experts. All the garbage thrown at Trump is fabricated using pubic funds like crooks embezzling from a bank. We are now truly in Bizarro World created by elected Democrats and their surrogates in the press and institutions. Brainwashing is pervasive.

Try to rebut Mark Twain: "There is no distinctly American criminal class - except Congress."

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no. everyone has the right to speak out for what they believe in. the point here is they disrupted the proper funtioning of a legitimate forum.

that is not right.

if everyone has the right to disrupt any meeting forum any time with a powered bullhorn, then there is no longer any civil discourse and that is chaos and the ruination of civilization itself.

soon people will start bringing baseball bats, then knives and guns.

completely wrong and it has nothing to do with the massacre in the school. two completely separate issues.

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Many people were waved into the Capitol Building and doors opened for them by Capitol Police These peaceful protestros were falsely charged because videos show them peacefully walking around inside the building. The case against Pelosi is entrapment which needs to be fully investigated. Why did Pelosi and Bowser refuse 20,000 National Guard troops offered by President Trump weeks before January 6. We don't why because they won't talk about it. They need to be subpoenaed because there are dozens of questions that need to answered to find out if they orchestrated J6 for political gain like a crime organization.

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Please Oliver -continue to act out -it's really an enduring feature!!!

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these reps stood with battery powered bullhorns and disrupted a formal session of a state legislature, in the middle of and in support of a RIOT.

totally justified.

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