Jan 31, 2023Liked by Oliver Willis

Ugh THANK YOU. I think it's the curse of old millennials and young Gen-xers that we became political in the 90s and aughts. Feels like we're the only cohort imprinted with the awfulness of Bush. Also on a more basic level, I'm like "were you all just pretending to care about dead Iraqis and US soldiers? And now you're way more outraged that the guy you despise doesn't care about upholding liberal upper-class standards of behavior and suddenly love Bill Kristol and Jennifer Rubin and W's dog paintings?"

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The Republicans have given us, respectively, the worst two-term president in the history of the country and the worst president in the history of the country. Both left their successors with a Herculean labor when it came to the clean-up job. But people keep voting for them, and I’m skeptical that this has much to do with the “role” played by Democrats. There is a wide, deep ugly streak in this country that wants what Bush and Trump offered, and I’m unwilling to point a finger at the people who had to take a shovel to an Augean pile of turds.

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Love the puppy. And thanks for the reminder. We begged the world for forgiveness when we elected the bastard for the second time. W’s quip during the trump era that now he’s “no longer the worst president ever” was as disgusting as tfg’s “biggliest win ever.”

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Voters never learn

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I love Michelle Obama, but I find her friendship with Bush to be problematic.

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Great post, and absolutely critical we don't forget. Also, Kal El is way too adorable!

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