I was just journaling this morning about how we could turn trans rights into patriotic messaging. Problematic American history and current realities aside this is good messaging and important imo, thanks for publishing it. Trans people exist, have always, and will always, and if they are to be safe and free anywhere that's a talking point easily picked up.

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Christofacism has no room for empathy decency or " others". They have a narrow view of Liberty. They don't care about anyone's happiness. They care about ruling EVERYONE! They are destroying decades or progress for women. How do we turn the tide back to AMERICAN IDEALS???!

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The attacks on transgendered people have disintegrated into downright shabbiness--bullying at its worst. Here’s question for someone with a Substack audience: From gun rights to anti-LGBTQ to the anti-woke agenda to supporting Trump no matter what, how much of what passes for conservatism today is rooted in sexual insecurity? (This is beyond or bigger than the obvious misogyny.) There’s a profound psychological dimension that has gone largely unexplored by a puritanical punditocracy.

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Having talked to the number of transgender kids at middle school and high school it’s just beyond my imagination that grown-ups adults would be this shortsighted mean uneducated and stupid. They are so self satisfied that they seem not to care if they destroy the lives of these children.

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It’s pathetic.

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What exactly is it about evangelicals and other certain Christian sects that compels them to override the religious beliefs of the 321 other religions in this country?

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Real Americans mind their own business and don't try to control everything other people do read see or think!

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Damn right, it's about time somebody said it! You knocked it out of the park with this one Oliver.

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